
Friday, February 18, 2011

Flower Pot Cake

Most everyone wants to keep their birthday low. But, there are those who are thoughtful and remembers that it's your birthday. For this cake, my very good friend Medha, wasn't expecting anything at all, but just go to work like any regular days. Meanwhile CK and I we've been planning what to do for her birthday. First, we surprised her with a "Flower Pot" cake since she loves flowers and gardening. Second, we took her out for lunch. Third, we surprised her with ice cream birthday cake for dessert.

What made this cake special was it looked so real. She placed these cakes on her desk and caught few people's attention. Some were wondering where did the flowers came from since it's not Spring yet. The closer they looked at the pot of flowers, they noticed it was cake. Thus, I received a lot of compliments.

I am so happy that Medha loves the flower pot cake. She is worrying she might not eat the cake because she doesn't want to ruin it! sweet!

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